Omer RS fan Top en Twel
16/3/2004 - 11/6/2020
Brandus 345SP x Jochem 257P
Ster + Sport
Ster+Pref*7/Model+Pref*6/ Model+Pref+PrestM*7/Ster
Genetic Test Results: Negative for Dwarfism
Positive for Hydrocephalus
Negative for Chestnut
NOTE: Positive test results for any genetic test does not effect the health of the horse in any way. It simply means when considering breeding, selecting a mare who is negative for that gene.
Owner: Tashlin Jeffries (WA)
Standing at Stud Kendall Park Friesians
Frozen Semen available
Fee: $1650 incl. gst
Owners Statement
Omer RS was the son of Brandus 345, the Friesian Stallion Champion of 1997 & 1998 and Reserve Champion in 1999 & 2003. Brandus 345 has received a 1st Premium every year at the stallion inspection. He is from the famous Stam 50, which has produced more than 25 Approved Stallions. Brandus competed Z2 Dressage in Holland. He has sired 4 approved KFPS breeding Sires – Rindert 406, Tsjitse 387, Brend and Tsjarbring 429, plus others through his daughters. The stallions Brend, Tsjarbring, and one of his daughters (Tjeske) are actively competing in the subtop level of Dressage and above (ZZ light) and many of his other progeny are doing very well in regional dressage competitions. This is a very special achievement for a Friesian Stallion.
Omer RS was selected for the Stallion Inspection in 2007 and not only did he make it through the 3rd Round, he was also invited to the 70 Day Performance Testing. Only the very best of Friesian stallions are invited to this prestigeous testing. He completed 50 days of this test and missed out on his Studbook License by less than a split hair before he was even 3 years old, requiring more time to mature! Omer was extremely popular in Holland and his owners did not want him to leave the country, those that know him, also know of his great potential and what a difficult decision it was to allow him to leave Holland. Therefore, we had a very hard time trying to convince his owners to let him come and live with us in Australia.
Omer carried a very rare and valuable pedigree, one that is cherished by the Dutch breeders. He is a descendant of the Vesta Line, a line that is renown in Holland for producing the top quality, highly sought after Friesian horses – a pedigree which people seek out for the inclusion of “Vesta”. Vesta is a mare who produced the Approved Stallion Wybren 236, and is the mother of Janna, Aukje D and Fransisca D, all who are Model+Preferent daughters. She also produced the Model mares Hilde D., and Maintsje D. as well as the Ster+Preferent mares Paula D. and Wietske. Wietske is the mother of Teake 273. Klavervrouw is Omer’s 6th Generation mother and the mother of Approved Stallion Eelke 183 (Sire of Ritske 202 Preferent), and Klavervrouw’s daughter, Ster+Preferent mare Thali is the mother of Ulrig 204.
Omer was from Stam 25 (Koosje), a line which has produced the second highest number of Approved Studbook Stallions, coupled with Omer’s Sire, Brandus 345, who is from Stam 50, the number one producing line of Approved Sires, Omer’s pedigree truly is Star Studded and one of the greatest.
Omer’s full sister is the mare Rikst R.S. She is a Kroon mare with the sport predicate and is now also Preferent. Rikst competes at Z1 dressage and still finds time for breeding fabulous foals and teaching young children to ride. Rikst passed her IBOP examination with a whopping score of 83 points. Rikst R.S. now also has a son who is invited to the Autumn Stallion Licensing Performance Test! It’s all in the family genetics. Omer RS also has a brother exported to the USA for a dressage career.