Friesian Keuring Tour
Dates and Locations
KFPS jury members, Ester Reen and Sabien Zwaga from the Netherlands will fly to Australia and New Zealand to “keur” our horses. This biennial event will kick off in Western Australia 28th of March.
It is a significant time for our horses (especially the adult horses), and for Friesian lovers everywhere it is a great time to come out and see lots of Friesians in one place, and at their best. Any queries or concerns please contact your state representative below.
Dates & Locations:
28th March Western Australia - Brookleigh Estate, Upper Swan
30th March South Australia – Friesian Dreams, Mount Jagged.
1st April Victoria Day One - Terarossa lodge Equestrian Centre, Wangoom - IBOPS
2nd April Victoria Day Two - Terarossa lodge Equestrian Centre, Wangoom - Led classes
4th April Victoria Day Three - Shepherds Hill Stud, Spring Hill IBOP's & Led classes
6th April Tasmania - Wallbrook Friesian Horse Stud, North Motton
9th April New South Wales - Ballodair Park, Wilberforce.
11th April SE Queensland - Burpengary Equestrian Centre, Burpengary.
State Representatives
WA - Paul Noone - info@centaurusequestrian.com
SA - Michael van der Heiden - info@friesiandreams.com.au
TAS - Nadeen Davis - afhsstatereptas@gmail.com
VIC - afhsstaterepvic@gmail.com
NSW - Jessica Bannier - afhsstaterepnsw@gmail.com
QLD - Colleen Shields - afhsstaterepqld@gmail.com