Breeding Goals
A functionally and harmoniously built and usable horse that has the Friesian breed characteristics, is healthy and vital, and has aptitude to perform in the sport.
The breeding goal consists of various aspects that can be subdivided into:
1) exterior and movement,
2) use, and
3) vitality and health.
The sub elements of these aspects are reflected in the breeding program by selection criteria.
The breeding goal below needs to be seen as the description of the breed characteristics, as described in decree 92/353/EEG, pint 3, part b), second hyphen of the addendum.
1. Exterior and movement
Breed characteristics
A horse that by its characteristic front, abundance of hair, black colour, and roomy, elevated gaits (knee action) makes a luxurious and proud impression.
A small, expressive, noble head, in which the eyes are placed far apart. The nosal bone is preferably a bit dished. Large nostrils. The jaws are light and the lenght of the opening of the mouth long. The eyes are large and clear. The small, attentive ears point lightly towards each other.
The long neck and poll together form a lightly upwards sloping line. The neck shows much elevation.

Central Mare Keuring 2013, Australia's only Crown + Sport mare Tieke van't Lansink owned by Wallbrook Friesian Horse Stud TAS

Mees 497 (Tymon 456 x Dries 421)
The Friesian horse has an abundance of hair in the form of mane, tail, and feathers.ColourThe colour of all hair is black. White markings are allowed on the face if they do not exceed 3.2 cm and are not located below the eye line. White markings elsewhere on the body of the horse are not allowed.
A harmoniously, functionally, evenly, and upwardly built horse with a long forearm and not too heavy in the body. The horse is placed in a rectangle with a ratio between front end, middle section, and hind end reflecting 1:1:1.
Head/neck connection
The poll is long (hand-width) with a flowing connection to the neck.
The throatlatch
The throatlatch has an open underline with room at the throat.
The neck is long with good upper musculature, which creates a light curvature. The neck comes high out of the chest and has a flowing connection with the withers.
The shoulder is long and sloping (an angle with a horizontal line between 45 and 50 degrees).
The angle of the chest has to be minimally 90 degrees.
Rib cage
The ribs are long and curved.
The high withers flow smoothly into the back.
The back is strong and muscled (not tight or weak). The back has a flowing connection with the withers and loins. The length of the back is proportionate to the length of the front end and hindquarters.
The loins are strong (not tight or sunken), broad and muscled, and flow smoothly into the croup.
The croup is long (measured between the vertical lines of the point of the hip and seat bone). It is lightly sloping and muscled.
Gaskin muscle
The gaskin muscle is long and developed.
The front legs are as seen from the front placed perpendicularly with a hoof width in between. As seen from the side the front leg is perpendicular through the fetock joints. The forearm and the cannon are long. The fetlock joints are oval and dry as seen from the side.
The hind legs are straight (parallel) as seen from behind. As seen from the side the angle of the hock is between 145 and 150 degrees. The gaskin is well-muscled. The hock is dry, hard, and well-developed (broad and deep). The fetlock joints are oval and dry as seen from the side.
The pasterns are long and flexible. The front pasterns have an angle with the ground of 45 to 50 degrees. The hind pasterns have an angle with the ground of 50 to 55 degrees.
The feet are of good size and well-shaped, even, and befitting the horse. The feet are wider in front than behind.
The walk is roomy and a pure 4-beat. The legs are straight in walk as seen from the front and behind.
The hind leg shows bend in the hock and is powerfully and well placed under the body.
The hind leg moves the foreleg, which is moved forward with room and lots of freedom in the shoulder.
The trot is a pure 2-beat. The hind leg is powerfully and well placed under the body and shows with good bend in the hock.
The front leg shows knee action and is well placed forward.
The trot is characterized by suppleness and a long moment of suspension.
The horse shows good balance and rises in the front with an elevated neck. As seen from the front and the back the legs need to be straight.
The canter is a pure 3-beat. The canter is roomy with a front leg that reaches forward and the inside leg carrying.
The canter is upward and shows a long moment of suspension, lots of suppleness, and balance.

Aarnold 471 (Wikke 404 x Jacob 302)